Addon Table Information

The addon table is predefined within daochook for each addon being loaded. This table contains some additional properties that can be used/accessed by an addon while it’s running.

You should NEVER attempt to recreate the addon table or set it to a new value!
This will cause your addon to crash and potentially crash the full client.

addon Table Information

The following table is the properties available within the addon table.

authorstringThe name of the author who wrote the addon.
descstringShort description of what the addon does / is for.
instanceuserdata[Read Only] The internal addon object pointer. (See below for more info.)
linkstringThe url to the addons homepage, where users can find information, support, or updates.
namestringThe name of the addon.
pathstring[Read Only] The path to the addon.
taskstable[Read Only] Internal table that holds running task coroutine information.
versionstringThe version of the addon. (In the format of X.X.X, such as 1.0.0)

The addon.instance object exposes a few properties that addons can use to check certain information.

current_framenumber[Read Only] The current frame count the addon is executing on.
statenumber[Read Only] The addons current state.

Note: Attempting to write to any read-only value will cause your addon to error and unload.