
Libraries (or libs) are scripts (or C DLLs) that contain additional functionality that all addons can make use of. Libraries are generally pre-packaged and found within the /addons/libs/ folder.

Addon developers are free to make their own libraries. Libraries do not need to be placed in the libs folder in order to operate. If you have a library that you have made and feel would useful to all developers, feel free to contact daochook staff to see about having your library added to the main release package.

Libraries are easy to use by any addon. Simply require them into your addon script(s). For example, most addons will want to make use of the common library. This lib will include a handful of common libraries for you. This can be included like:

1require 'common';

Libraries that are contained within subfolders can be included by passing the full path to the lib file, replacing any slash character in the path with a period instead. For example:

1require 'sugar.nil';

Compiled Libraries

Compiled libraries, or clibs, are DLLs that expose functionality through a compiled C/C++ DLL file. Lua has a special setup to allow DLLs to be used as libraries when calling require. A compiled library must export a luaopen_ function that contains the name of the file as the require name that will be used. For example, if you have a clib named hello.dll then you would require it as:

1require 'hello';

Using this setup, hello.dll must export a function named luaopen_hello.

The library can also expose multiple luaopen_ functions that are used for specific namespace tables of functions. For example, the library may export multiple functions like this:


Then a script would require them as:

1require '';
2require '';

For more information on compiled libraries, please check Lua’s documentation here:

Included Libraries

daochook comes with the following included libraries:

Click the library file name to open more information specific to that library.

Library File NameUsageDescription
common.luarequire 'common';Library that includes the various other commonly used lib files. (It is recommended that your addon includes this!)
daoc.luarequire 'daoc';Library that adds game specific functions and information. (This library automatically detects your client version and includes the additional libs found within the /addons/libs/daoc/ folder.)
imgui.lualocal imgui = require 'imgui';Library that adds ImGui related functions and information.
json.luarequire 'json';Library that adds JSON file reading/writing function support.
mime.luarequire 'mimie';Library used with LuaSocket; defines common web mime types and functionality.
settings.lualocal settings = require 'settings';Library that can be used for per-character configuration settings in your addon.
socket.luarequire 'socket';Library used to work with sockets and web requests.
sugar.luarequire 'sugar';Library that greatly expands Lua’s base types to add a lot of functional programming features to Lua.
switch.luarequire 'switch';Library that adds a switch-case helper function to Lua.
trycatch.luarequire 'trycatch';Library that adds try/catch/finally style support in Lua via xpcall.
win32types.luarequire 'win32types';Library that defines common Win32 types with FFI.