Functions & Namespaces

daochook includes a handful of various helper functions that are exposed to each addons Lua state. These functions are separated into namespaces that make it cleaner and easier to read when being accessed. Below is a table of each of the namespaces that are exposed from daochook.

Functions (Globals)


Overridden from the stock Lua print functionality. Instead, calling print will print the given message to the games chat window using the default message mode. (1)

Parameter NameTypeDescription
...stringThe message(s) to print.


Debug print helper. Prints the given message to the system debug stream.

Parameter NameTypeDescription
...stringThe message(s) to print.

To view these messages, use a tool such as DbgView, DbgView++ or similar.


Click the namespace name to go to that namespaces individual documentation page.

Namespace NameDescription
bitsContains functions related to bit and byte packing/unpacking.
eventsContains functions related to daochook events.
extensionsContains functions that extend default Lua types.
fsContains functions related to file I/O.
gameContains functions related to game client functions and information.
hookContains functions related to daochook functions and information.
imguiContains functions related to ImGui.
memoryContains functions related to memory read/write operations.
miscContains miscellaneous functions that don’t fit into another namespace.
regexContains functions related to regular expression operations.
tasksContains functions related to tasks.
timeContains functions related to time.